We are very pleased to finally see our work on inferring gene regulatory networks in print. The work is based on Panagiotis Chouvardas' MSc thesis and is based on a new method aiming to define the most relevant regulatory network from a genome-wide expression profile. The paper was finally out (after a looooooong publication process) last Monday June 6th, hence we chose to call it the D-day paper :)
Currently working on human and mouse, our method, called RNEA has already been applied with success on collaborative works such as this one and this other one.
You may find the full paper here.
More info may be found in our Publications page.
Currently working on human and mouse, our method, called RNEA has already been applied with success on collaborative works such as this one and this other one.
You may find the full paper here.
More info may be found in our Publications page.